Counseling Counseling Home
Welcome to Counseling Office
Primeasia University teaches and train students with the ultimate aim to develop sound human resources both academically and professionally. Student Counseling Service under the auspices of Student Affair Office is dedicated to provide one stop services to its students and staffs. The key aims of the Student Counseling Services are,
- To help students achieve high quality, morally sound and socially relevant education
- To promote peace and freedom
- To ensure strong moral reasoning, ethics, dignity & enthusiasm and
- To facilitate emotional well-being of students
We offer free and confidential counseling service
Psychosocial Counseling
Working with a counselor may help students to see their troubles with greater simplicity, obtain insights into its beginning and think about how to move forward fruitfully.
Starting university life can be a source of tremendous anxiety in the heart of a fresher, mainly due to experiencing all the differences from earlier life to the present one.
Parents consultation
Parents and Guardians play a significant role in the university selection process of students. New friends, new responsibilities and new places can be overwhelming,
Faculty/Staff support
To offer adequate service to the student, Student Counselor will work jointly with faculty and management staff to ensure high benefit for the students as well...
About Counseling Office
Psychosocial Counseling Service
Working with a counselor may help students to see their troubles with greater simplicity, obtain insights into its beginning and think about how to move forward fruitfully. Counseling also help students in making decisions that are precise for them. To focus on student needs, Student Affairs Office has establish a counseling service that provide individuals, groups, couples and family counseling with full confidentiality.
Counseling Services:-
- Individual Counseling
- Family Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Workshops
- Stress Management
- Power of Success
- Anger Management
- Team Building
- Managing Exam Anxiety
- Meditation
- Managing Depression
- Self-love and Respect
- Effective Relationship Skill
- Emotional Intelligence
- Need based workshops
Individual Counseling
Individual Counseling is a method through which clients work one-to-one with a trained counselor—in a secure, helpful, and confidential setting—to discover student’s thoughts, attitude or behaviors. Work through demanding or significant memories, recognize aspects of person’s lives that they would like to change better appreciate about themselves & others, set goals, and work toward preferred change in personal life.
Family Counseling
Family counseling is a type of psychosomatic psychotherapy process that helps family members develop communication and decide how to deal with conflicts. Family therapy is often short term and may consist of necessary family members. Specific treatment plan usually depend on client family conditions. Family therapy sessions can help educate the necessary skills to intensify family relations and get through stressful times.
Group Counseling
Group counseling provides an occasion to share experiences, learn perspectives, and trial with new behaviors in safe and helpful surroundings. Counseling groups are led by one or more specialized mental health counselors. Groups may focus on interpersonal relations as well as active listening techniques, giving and getting productive response, supporting one another with similar experiences or shared identities, or cultural skills to better manage strong emotions.
Student Affairs office will conduct workshops related to psychological well-being and personal development on the various critical topics, including stress and anger management, team building, managing depression, self-love and respect, effective communications, emotional intelligence, mindfulness and meditation. Student Affairs Office aims to organize workshop on the need of the students and staff.
To build awareness and facilitate effective dialogue on the crucial issues, Student Affairs Office plans to arrange seminar on regular basis incorporating key experts from both Primeasia University and other national and international organizations. Potential areas of seminars are effective parenting stile, awareness on drug addiction, gender justice and equity, human rights, etc.
TStarting university life can be a source of tremendous anxiety in the heart of a fresher, mainly due to experiencing all the differences from earlier life to the present one. A successful orientation program can nicely help a new student to overcome much of his or her anxiety by delivering necessary information and responding to all the associated queries.

Fig: Orientation Process
Prior to the beginning of classes, students are given an overview of the complete realm of university life, from academics to social actions, through an episode of days referred to as ‘orientation’ depending on the size and mission of the institution, the format of orientation can be varying. However, regardless of the nature of the program, the following should be present in all orientation programs:
- Informing students about the university life
- Acclimating students to r new environment and
- Providing an opportunity for the university to meet the newest members’ community.
Working with parents
Parents and Guardians play a significant role in the university selection process of students. New friends, new responsibilities and new places can be overwhelming, so the emotional back-up and support of family members can greatly assist the transition from home to university life. Since the society is changing very quickly in a very short span of time, sometimes parents fail to understand things from their child’s perspective. So, Student Affairs Office, with the approval of top authority, will organize different events to meet with parents, to focus on this reality.

Working with faculty and staff
To offer adequate service to the student, Student Counselor will work jointly with faculty and management staff to ensure high benefit for the students as well as personal satisfaction. Seminars Awareness campaigns (Faculty/Staff)
- Mental health & first Aid
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Team building Workshop
- Managing disrupted behavior of students outside the class room.
The Faculty & Staff training program offers a variety of workshops to improve the professional and personal growth of the faculty and staff of the University. These learning opportunities are designed to maximize personal and professional growth. This program can be administered by the Student Affairs Office, along with the help of other departments.
- Disciplinary Committee
- Sexual Harassment Committee
- Proctors /Admin/ Faculty/ Others