The Primeasia University student code of conduct has been formulated with goal of upholding standard mission of smooth disciplinary activities. It is responsibility of the Primesasia University to prepare the “Students Code of Conduct” available to all members to the University community such that in case of violations and subsequent convening of the “Disciplinary Committee” measures and procedures may clear to all parties concern. The violations of code of conduct shall invoke disciplinary process as prescribed in this document. Sanction will be commensurate with the seriousness of the offence and may include suspension or extreme, expulsion from the university. Reported offences justify increasingly severe sanction.
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PAU Student Affairs
Our Philosophy
Primeasia University was founded on an agenda of social responsibilites to provide higher education to all.Since higher education is the most effective tool to meet today’s diversified social challenges including population explosion, illiteracy, poverty, food insecurity, and depleting naturally endowed resources while, side-by-side, entrepreneurship, leadership, and good governance in the society. It is a key to intellectual growth that allows one to develop new models and standards and to be guided by strong moral reasoning, ethics, dignity, and enthusiasm.
Notice Board
24 July 2023
আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা জাতীয় পদক ২০২৩ -এর প্রস্তাব আহবান.
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5 November 2024
পুরাতন কাগজ এবং অব্যবহৃত আসবাবপত্র বিক্রয়
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3 Jan 2021
Our Debating team has won in UCB parliament debate
03-01-2021... -
17 Dec 2020
Victory Day & Mujib Barsha Cultural program 2020

Student Code of Conduct
Student Services
Career Services
The Office of Career Services works to educate, connect, and advise students about opportunities relevant to aspiring graduates and alumni in order to foster their intellectual, social, and personal transformations.
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Student Counselings
Primeasia University teaches and train students with the ultimate aim to develop sound human resources both academically and professionally. Student Counseling Service under the auspices of Student Affair Office is...
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University Healthcare Services
The Primeasia University Healthcare Service Centre (PAUHSC) started working as an emergency medical care services (EMS) for students and employees. The PAUHSC will extend its services to the comprehensive ...