Commodore Jobair Ahmad (E), ndc, BN (Rtd.) was born in a
respectable Muslim family in Chattogram in the year 1961. His father
late Kaikobad Ahmad served as a Senior Executive in a multinational
company. His grandfather (maternal) late advocate Sultan Ahmad was
an ex-MLA in the general assembly of the then Pakistan. His
grandfather (paternal) late Abdul Majid, whose younger brother was
Abdul Karim Shahitya Bisharad who contributed in the Bengali
Commodore Jobair attended various courses home and abroad. He
obtained BSC in Mechanical Engineering from Marshal Tito Military
Academy of from Yugoslavia. He did Masters and MPhil in military
studies from National Defence College, Bangladesh. He attended
system Engineering Management course from UK, Military peace
keeping operations in accordance with rule of law course from USA,
Intelligence and surveillance course and National Defence course in
He served as the chief Engineer in various naval ships and
establishment. He held the command positions which include Area
commander Dhaka, Commanding officer in different naval
establishments. Besides he served as the Director of Naval
intelligence at the Naval Headquarters, Member engineer at the
Chattogram port authority, Director General of shipping under the
shipping ministry. He also served at the Bangladesh parliament
secretariat as sergeant-at-arms.
He served as a dean of various faculties and Pro-Vice Chancellor in
Bangladesh University of Professionals. Presently Commodore Jobair
is engaged in providing consultancy in different agencies and delivers
lectures in different institutions. He is the Vice Chairman of Prime
Islami Life Insurance Company and hold advisory position in
different prominent business institutions.